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Dungeon Crawler

Independent Work



Created as my final year project during university I worked on improving my lighting  and detailing skills. I also created some mechanics using some of my knowledge of blueprint in Unreal Engine 4 to create a gameplay experience to properly present my levels. 

The dungeon crawler game contains many self made mechanics using the first person template. The movement mechanics are the default but speeds were adjusted in the player character blueprint. 

I created three different traps throughout the game, first being a swinging axe which uses timelines and lerps to swing a mesh from side to side, attached to the end of the mesh is a capsule collision which when overlapping the player will deal damage. The second trap was a floor rune, indicated by red glowing floors in the game, standing on this activates a small explosion after 1 second which damages the player if within it's radius. The third trap was a toxic mist which when the player is overlapping these areas they take damage over time.

The main gameplay is that the player must progress through the game collecting keys to open doors and go from level to level. If the player dies, the level resets so all the traps are reset and keys must be picked up again.

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